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Independent Alternate (Seat M)

Board Openings


The Railbelt Reliability Council (RRC) is the certificated Electric Reliability Organization for the Railbelt bulk electric system.  The RRC is seeking applications from qualified individuals to stand for election to serve as the Alternate for the Independent Seat on the RRC’s Board (Seat M). Board service is an opportunity to help shape improvements in the Railbelt electric system’s reliability, stability, and security, and future grid planning efforts. 

The Independent Seat provides an independent, objective perspective for the entire Railbelt bulk electric system and is not associated with users, owners, or operators of the system or any other stakeholder position. The successful applicant will be elected during the RRC’s Board meeting on September 30, 2024.  Their term then expires in December 2026.  Directors and Alternates can serve up to three consecutive three-year terms. The current Independent Seat Director and the Alternate elected on September 30th may also seek re-election for these positions. 

Board members are not employees of the RRC but are entitled to modest meeting fees for their service. Alternate members may receive these fees when acting in place of the Director, serving on a Board Committee, and for participation in specific events as authorized by the Board Chair. Applicants should consider that Board membership may require a significant time commitment.

Applications are due no later than 5:00pm (AK) on September 17, 2024 (see 'Applying' section below for instructions).


The Independent Alternate is to remain cognizant of all Board business and to attend all meetings of the Board when the voting director is unavailable, or when the Alternate is otherwise required by the RRC’s Bylaws to vote. The RRC Board’s regular meetings occur on the first Monday of each month from 1:00-4:00 pm.  Meetings are held virtually, except the Board meets in-person, typically in Anchorage, for the annual meeting in December and once per quarter.  Provisions exist for travel reimbursement.


To qualify, applicants must be at least nineteen (19) years of age, not be a convicted felon, have relevant management-level expertise, and have experience in one or more of the following disciplines: academia, finance, accounting, electric power industry, engineering, energy development, law, regulation, commercial markets, consumer advocacy, trading, and associated risk management, or other relevant expertise. 

Additionally, applicants must meet the independence requirements in 3 AAC 46.070(a). Section 3 AAC 46.070(a) of RCA regulations indicates a Board member is independent if none of the following is true: 

  1. is an employee of the electric reliability organization; 
  2. is employed or contracted by a registered entity, within the interconnected bulk-electric system of the applicable electric reliability organization, that generates, transmits, distributes, or stores electricity for direct compensation, or by a person who is expected to become such a registered entity within the reasonably foreseeable future; 
  3. has an immediate family member who is employed or contracted by a registered entity, within the interconnected bulk-electric system of the applicable electric reliability organization, that generates, transmits, distributes, or stores electricity for direct compensation, or by a person who is expected to become such a registered entity within the reasonably foreseeable future; and 
  4. is reasonably perceived as having or has an immediate family member who is reasonably perceived as having, a direct and material financial interest in the board's decisions. 


To apply for the Alternate position for Seat M on the RRC Board, the following must be transmitted via email to by 5:00pm (AK) on September 17, 2024:

  1. A letter of interest summarizing your interest and expertise; 
  2. a resume, CV, or other document highlighting experience; 
  3. a statement saying you meet the independence requirements of 3 AAC 46.070(a); and
  4. contact information (email and phone number). 

The RRC Governance Committee will conduct interviews with applicants on September 19, 2024, and subsequently develop a slate of candidates consisting of not less than 2, and not more than 5 candidates. This slate will be provided to the RRC Board and they will elect the Alternate from the slate of candidates at the RRC's Board meeting on September 30, 2024.  

Questions can be submitted to