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  • RRC means Railbelt Reliability Council
  • RCA means Regulatory Commission of Alaska
  • MEA means Matanuska Electric Association
  • HEA means Homer Electric Association
  • GVEA means Golden Valley Electric Association
  • CEA means Chugach Electric Association
  • SES means Seward Electric Association
  • ERO means Electric Reliability Organization
  • NERC means North American Electric Reliability Corporation
  • BES means bulk-electric system

What is the Railbelt region?

What is the Railbelt Reliability Council (RRC)?

What is an ERO?

What is Electric Reliability?

Which entities are subject to RCA approved standards?

Why is the RRC Needed?

What is the RCA?

How does the RRC interface with the RCA?

How is the RRC structured?

What are the roles and seats on the RRC Board?

How is the RRC Board Balanced?

How can the RRC benefit Railbelt ratepayers?

How is the RRC funded?

What is the budget for the RRC?

Is the RRC a forever organization or does it sunset?

How can the public engage with the RRC?

Where can I learn more?

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